"I absolutely adore Italy because it is close by, incredibly diverse, and has the best food."
Every time you can have a unique experience in Vietnam.
Thailand is Simple, relaxed, with excellent food, and reasonably priced.
Mexico because you can experience five distinct climates within six hours." Each region has its own subculture and indigenous cuisine
In Iceland , your mind is at rest; it has an effect on you that you cannot explain.
Spain and Portugal... have incredible cuisine, locations, prices, people, and culture.
I adore the cuisine, the atmosphere of the street, and the overall affordability of the area.
The highlands are beautiful, the locals are friendly, and no sheep have yet attacked me.
The United States, particularly the Rocky Mountains and arid regions. You can experience a vast array of climates and landscapes, as well as world-class skiing, rafting, hiking, small villages, and medium-sized cities.
Switzerland's towns and countryside are beautiful, but it's expensive.