Creeping thyme is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant with fragrant foliage and tiny pink or purple flowers, ideal for sunny areas with poor soil.
Sedum, also known as stonecrop, is a succulent ground cover that thrives in dry, rocky soil and requires minimal water and maintenance.
Creeping Jenny is a fast-spreading ground cover with vibrant yellow-green foliage, perfect for adding a pop of color to shady areas.
Ajuga, or bugleweed, forms dense mats of foliage and produces spikes of blue, purple, or white flowers, thriving in both sun and shade.
Vinca minor, also known as periwinkle, is a low-growing evergreen ground cover with glossy foliage and delicate blue flowers, ideal for shady areas.
Liriope, or monkey grass, is a tough and versatile ground cover with grass-like foliage and spikes of lavender or white flowers, tolerant of sun or shade.
Japanese spurge is a slow-spreading ground cover with glossy, dark green foliage and small white flowers, thriving in shade and dry soil.
Ice plant is a succulent ground cover with fleshy, water-storing leaves and vibrant flowers that thrive in hot, dry conditions, perfect for coastal areas.