10 Pets You Absolutely Can’t Own In The US 

Big Cats

Due to their size, strength, and potential danger, ownership of big cats is heavily regulated and often banned in many states.


Primates can carry diseases transmissible to humans and pose significant challenges in terms of care and safety.


Bears are dangerous and require specialized care and habitats. Ownership is illegal in most states due to the risks they pose.

Venomous Snakes

Owning venomous snakes like cobras, vipers, and rattlesnakes is banned or heavily regulated in many states.

Exotic Birds

Some exotic birds, such as certain parrots and cockatoos, are protected by international treaties and federal laws, making them illegal to own without proper permits.

Carnivorous Reptiles

Large carnivorous reptiles can be dangerous and difficult to care for. Ownership is often restricted or banned.

Marine Mammals

Marine mammals are protected under federal laws like the Marine Mammal Protection Act, making it illegal to own them as pets.

Invasive Species

Invasive species that pose a threat to local ecosystems are often banned. Laws prevent their ownership to protect native wildlife.

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