13 Surprising Facts About Pets

Cats Have a "Third Eyelid": Cats have a third eyelid called the "haw" or nictitating membrane, which helps protect their eyes and keep them moist.

Dogs Can Smell Diseases: Dogs have an incredibly keen sense of smell and can detect certain diseases in humans, such as cancer and diabetes, through their scent.

Rats Laugh When Tickled: Rats emit high-pitched squeaks that researchers have identified as laughter when they're tickled.

Goldfish Have Good Memories: Contrary to popular belief, goldfish have good memories and can remember things for months, including associations with food and their surroundings.

Parrots Can Learn Hundreds of Words: Some species of parrots, such as African Grey Parrots, have the ability to learn and mimic hundreds of words and sounds.

Guinea Pigs Have Unique Whistles: Guinea pigs communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations, including unique whistles that they use to identify themselves.

Dogs' Nose Prints Are Unique: Just like human fingerprints, dogs' nose prints are unique and can be used for identification purposes.

Horses Have a "Sleep-Standing" Ability: Horses have the ability to doze off while standing up by locking their legs in place, a mechanism called the "stay apparatus."