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Floral Pattern

17 Cat Myths That Aren’t True, But Everyone Believes

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Floral Pattern

Cats Always Land on Their Feet: While cats are agile and have a righting reflex, they don't always land safely, especially from great heights.

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Floral Pattern

 Cats Hate Water: Some cats actually enjoy water and swimming, particularly breeds like the Maine Coon and Bengal.

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 Cats Are Nocturnal: Cats are actually crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk.

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 Cats Purr Only When Happy: Cats purr for various reasons, including when they are in pain or scared as a self-soothing mechanism.

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Black Cats Are Bad Luck: In many cultures, black cats are considered good luck and symbolize prosperity.

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Cats Suck the Breath Out of Babies: This myth likely arose from cats being found near babies' faces due to the warmth, but it has no basis in reality.

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Cats Can See in Total Darkness: Cats can see in low light better than humans, but they cannot see in complete darkness.

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Cats Are Aloof and Independent: Many cats are affectionate, social, and enjoy the company of their humans.

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