Variety of Species: There are over 200 species of squirrels found all over the world, except for Australia and Antarctica.
Excellent Climbers: Squirrels are exceptional climbers due to their strong hind legs and sharp claws. They can easily scale trees and buildings.
Bushy Tails: Squirrels are known for their iconic bushy tails, which serve multiple purposes. Their tails help them maintain balance while climbing, communicate with other squirrels.
Food Hoarding Behavior: Squirrels are famous for their food hoarding behavior, especially before the winter months. They gather and store nuts, seeds, and other food items in multiple locations called "middens".
Front Teeth Never Stop Growing: Like other rodents, squirrels have continuously growing front teeth (incisors) that never stop growing.
Acrobatic Jumpers: Squirrels are skilled jumpers and can leap distances of up to 10 times their body length. They use this ability to navigate between trees, evade predators, and access food sources.
Communication Through Chirps and Tail Movements: Squirrels communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, including chirps, barks, and squeaks.
Important Role in Ecosystems: Squirrels play a vital role in ecosystems as seed dispersers. By burying and forgetting about their cached nuts and seeds.
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