Dying is Always Painful: Many people believe that dying is always a painful experience, but with modern palliative care, pain can be managed effectively, allowing many to pass peacefully.
You Die Instantly from a Heart Attack: Contrary to popular belief, not all heart attacks are sudden and fatal.
Hospice Care Means Giving Up: Hospice care is often seen as giving up on life, but it focuses on improving the quality of life and providing comfort during the end stages of illness.
You Can Predict Exactly When Someone Will Die: Despite advancements in medical science, predicting the exact moment of death is still uncertain and varies greatly from person to person.
Dying Alone is Common: Many fear dying alone, but hospice and palliative care services strive to ensure that patients have companionship and support during their final moments.
Only Old People Die: While aging increases the risk of death, people of all ages can die due to accidents, illnesses, and other unforeseen events.
You Can Always Say Goodbye: While it's comforting to think that you'll have a chance to say goodbye, sudden deaths from accidents or acute illnesses can prevent this opportunity.
The Body Instantly Decomposes: Decomposition starts shortly after death, but the process is gradual and influenced by various factors like temperature and environment.